Case Study

Root Canal Treatment Costs in Kerala: Your Questions & Their Expert Answers

September 12, 2024

Why is a root canal costly in Kerala? Our patients often ask this during their visits to our clinic. To be clear, the cost of a root canal is high not just in Kerala but worldwide. There are several factors that contribute to the cost of a root canal.

In this blog, let’s examine what a root canal is, the factors affecting its cost in Kerala, and how you can reduce the chances of needing a root canal and save money.

Without wasting  time, let’s dive in!

What is Root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure designed to save a tooth that is badly infected or decayed. First, the dentist removes the damaged tissue inside the tooth. Next, the tooth is cleaned and disinfected. After that, the dentist fills and seals the tooth to prevent further infection. This procedure helps to relieve pain and keep the tooth from being removed

Basically A “root canal” is a  part of the tooth, not just a treatment . It’s the hollow area inside the tooth that holds the nerve tissue, blood vessels, and other cells, also called the pulp.

A tooth has two main parts: 1.The crown 

The roots.

The crown is the top part of the tooth that you see above the gum, while the roots are below the gum, anchoring the tooth to the jawbone.

Inside both the crown and the roots is the pulp. The pulp keeps the tooth healthy and moist. It also has nerves that can feel hot and cold as pain.

Hence, the dental procedure often called a “root canal” is actually known as endodontic therapy, which means “inside the tooth.”


What are the steps involved in root canal?

Root canal therapy usually involves  the following three main steps: 

  1. Cleaning the Root Canal
  2. Filling the Root Canal
  3. Adding a Crown or Filling

Cleaning the Root Canal

First, the dentist removes everything inside the root canal. With the patient numb from local anaesthesia, the dentist makes a small hole in the tooth and takes out the infected or dead pulp tissue using tiny tools.

Filling the Root Canal

Next, the dentist cleans and shapes the hollow area, using tiny tools and special cleaning solutions. After that, the dentist fills the canal with a rubbery material and seals it with adhesive cement. Once this is done, the tooth is no longer alive, so it won’t hurt anymore because the nerve tissue is gone and the infection is treated.

Adding a Crown or Filling

The tooth becomes weaker after the root canal. It gets its nourishment from the ligament that connects it to the bone, but over time, the tooth can become brittle. To protect it, the dentist will put a crown or filling on the tooth.

Dentist Recommendations : Until the crown or filling is placed, avoid chewing or biting with that tooth. After the crown or filling is done, you can use the tooth as usual.

Usually, the treatment can be completed in one visit. However, if there are complex issues like curved canals or big infections, it may require one or two more visits.

What are the factors affecting root canal treatment?

The cost of a root canal treatment is often discussed in Kerala. This cost is  mainly because it’s a complicated procedure that requires special skills and training. Here are the factors that determine the cost:

Complexity of the Case:

One of the cost determining factors is how complicated the treatment is. If it is a simple infection, the treatment might be cheaper and easier.

Number of Root Canals Involved:

Teeth can have different numbers sitting for root canals. A front tooth usually has a sitting  root canal, while a molar can have three or four. Treating a molar is more complex and time-consuming, making it more expensive.

Location of the Tooth (Front or Back):

Front teeth are generally easier to reach and treat, while back teeth, like molars, are harder to access and treat. Therefore, a root canal on a back tooth might cost more.

Dentist’s Experience and Expertise:

Experienced and highly skilled dentists often charge more for their services. If you go to a dentist who specialises in root canals and has many years of experience, you might pay more than you would with a general dentist.

Specialised Tools

The dentist cleans the root canal thoroughly, makes it larger, and shapes it so there’s enough room for the filling. This step uses special tools and requires a lot of skill, which is why it can make dental care more expensive.

Filling the Root Canal

 Once the root canal is cleaned and shaped, it is filled with a rubbery material called gutta-percha. After that, a temporary filling is put in to seal the hole and keep everything protected.

Type of crown

There are several types of dental crowns, each with different features and it makes a difference in the cost of root canal treatment. All-Ceramic or All-Porcelain Crowns are great for matching the colour of your natural teeth and are often used for front teeth, though they are not as strong as metal crowns. Metal Crowns are made from gold, platinum, or base alloys and are very durable and long-lasting, but their colour makes them unsuitable for front teeth.

 Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns combine the strength of metal with the look of porcelain, making them suitable for both front and back teeth and more affordable than all-porcelain crowns. 

All-Resin Crowns are the least expensive but wear out or break more easily. Zirconia Crowns are a newer option that provides the strength of metal with the appearance of porcelain, and they are strong, rarely break, and are less likely to cause allergies.

Dentist Recommendations: Tips to reduce the chance of root canal

Right after every root canal, the patient is showing   eagerness  to know about how to prevent the chance of root canal in are some dentist recommendations. 

  • Brush your teeth before bed and at least once more during the day.
  • Use toothpaste with fluoride.
  • Choose the right toothbrush and replace it regularly.
  • Visit your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.
  • Floss between your teeth to remove plaque.
  • Stay away from sugary foods and drinks and eat a balanced diet.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How long does a root canal treatment usually take?

A: A root canal treatment typically takes 1-2 visits.


Q: Are there any risks or side effects to a root canal?

A: Root canal treatment may cause temporary pain, swelling, or infection, but this is rare.


Q: How long can a tooth last after a root canal?

A: A treated tooth can last a lifetime with proper care.


Q: How long do root canals last?

A: Root canals can last many years, often 10 or more.


Q: What happens to a tooth 10 years after a root canal?

A: Ten years after a root canal, the tooth is usually fine, but regular checkups are important.


Q: Can a root canal get infected 20 years later?

A: A 20-year-old root canal can get infected, but it’s less common.


Q: Is a root canal painful?

A:Root canal treatment is not painful because local anaesthesia is given before the treatment.